2 Crucial Reminders and a Gentle Warning

IMPORTANT: Learning how to work on ETS verbal questions is what this course is for. However, your work doesn't stop there.

By discussing these questions with others, you refine your understanding.

Here's what I suggest you do on at least a weekly basis:

  1. Pick an ETS verbal question you aren't sure you understand fully.
  2. Post your best explanation of it on my private GRE Discord (you'll get an invite when you sign up for the course).
  3. Read the feedback you get.

This is a crucial step for most people. Articulating your understanding of the question will help, as will the feedback.

If you don't want to use my Discord, you can also post your question as a comment on one of this course's lessons.

Please don't neglect this free opportunity to improve your GRE verbal skills! :)

Something else to keep in mind...

Let’s say you’re a decent golfer who wants to become a great golfer. You have good natural ability and coordination, but you’re plateauing. So you go to a golf pro, who proceeds to teach you a new way to swing.

At first, it’s very possible - even likely - that you’ll play WORSE for a while. Your old instincts are battling with the new information. But you realize that if you want to become a great golfer, your old instincts just weren’t gonna get you there. So you keep practicing with the pro’s advice, and eventually, you’re at a new level. Maybe not Tiger Woods-level, but better.

Learning verbal technique can work the same way. At first, you may be confused and tentative about your original instincts as you apply what you’ve learned. But after a while, you may find a happy blend between your instincts and the new technique, where both work in concert to get you through tough questions.

Just persevere through the awkward stage, and you’ll get there.

Final reminder: Strategy practice must be deliberate. Focus on one strategy at a time. By that, I mean to work on a block of questions, UNTIMED, looking for opportunities to use that particular strategy. 

For example, let's say you're focused on the strategy for finding the primary purpose of a reading passage Look at about ten primary purpose questions and figure out what the purpose is. Do not solve any other questions! Just drill that strategy - the goal is to both recognize opportunities to use it AND to practice using it.

The ETS Big Book is great for this.

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